Stay tuned! Jesus Career Counselor: How to Find and Keep Your Perfect Work is one of my upcoming book reviews and giveaways. In the meantime, please enjoy this article by Laurie Beth Jones and good luck finding your perfect work!
Top Five Rules for Finding Perfect Work
By Laurie Beth Jones,
Author of Jesus Career Counselor: How to Find (and Keep) Your Perfect Work
Rule #1) Ask yourself "What did I come to this world to do?" What kind of daily work would excite you in the very marrow of your bones? In order to get true alignment, you must establish a clear, written-down mission statement.
For example, mine is "to recognize, promote and inspire divine connection in myself and others." I have 3 verbs, or action words, a core value, and a tribe. This begins the clarity process, and becomes a filter for everything you do.
Rule #2) Know your personality type. Do you love to take risks and take charge, like Fire? Do you bring order and structure naturally to everything you do, like Earth? Perhaps you are more like Water, going with the flow, and rushing to serve those in the lowest place. Or maybe you love to inspire others and bring in fresh ideas, like the Wind. The workplace needs all of these qualities, and you have been gifted especially in one or two of these elements. Find out which ones are most like you. For example, I am a Wind/Fire combination, specializing in Fast Results. Find your special elemental combination.
Rule #3) Sit down and draw a Talent Shield, showing your four highest gifts in symbol form. Ask your friends and family "What do I naturally do well?" My four greatest gifts are my love of God (heart symbol), my ability to speak (mouth), ability to write (pen) and freedom to do all of the above (wings.)
Use your Talent Shield as a filter for any job opportunity before you, asking "Will this work allow a 100% match in my gifted areas?"
Rule #4) Write down a vision of your ideal work day. If all things were possible, what would you be doing on a Monday morning, at 9 am? Who would you be talking to, about what, wearing what? What would your workspace look like?
Fill your vision with details that include not only what is sitting on your desk (if you have one) but also the feelings you are having as you go about your day. This becomes the model you work from as you begin to sculpt, identify, and create your perfect work.
Rule #5) Share all of the above with everyone you can. Network with those who are doing the kind of work you wish you could be doing. Research the industry. Read biographies. Attend workshops. Get educated. Put yourself in the arena of the work you want to have. Show up even to volunteer. Begin to live your mission every day, and you will indeed find, and keep your perfect work.
© 2010 Laurie Beth Jones, author of Jesus Career Counselor: How to Find (and Keep) Your Perfect Work
Author Bio
Laurie Beth Jones, author of Jesus Career Counselor: How to Find (and Keep) Your Perfect Work, is an internationally recognized bestselling author, speaker, inspirational life coach, and trainer; and she offers small group, online, and one-on-one training. Laurie Beth's books on the workplace have sold more than one million copies and been translated into sixteen foreign languages. Some of these titles have spent more than thirteen months on the BusinessWeek bestseller list and have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Time magazine, CNN Financial, and more.
Recently named one of the top thirty leaders in the United States by an independent research firm, Jones has been featured in major media outlets and been invited to speak in all pillars of society, such as business, education, health care, government, faith and service organizations, the mass media, and the disenfranchised.
A business-development coach and consultant to CEOs and organizations, Laurie Beth has conducted training or provided leadership products for major companies, including Tyson Foods, Purina-Nestlé, Neiman Marcus, Pfizer, CitiFinancial, and American Express.
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